3M - Mission Minded Men's Ministry

Our Men's Ministry is known as 3M (Mission Minded Men). This is a ministry open to All ages. This includes boys and men who are looking for a place to serve our Lord as a mission-minded man. We meet monthly (the last Tuesday of every month). During this time, we fellowship, enjoy a meal, have a prayer time and we talk about and plan ministry opportunities in our church and community.

Cedar Grove Baptist Church

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Copyright (C) 2012 Cedar Grove Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved

13024 Highway 20 Belton, SC 29627 Church Office-864-847-4434

February 2013: 3M hosted a BBQ luncheon for the entire church for donations to raise money to replace our broken projectors in the sanctuary. $2000 was raised during the luncheon and the rest needed to purchase new equipment has been raised since then. God is good, All the time!

Many people, including some of our children and youth, helped with food preparation, setting up tables and chairs and a few of the men stayed up all night to smoke the meat.

The food left over was used to prepare takeout meals for our home bound members and was delivered to them, and also fed all of the children and youth on the following Wednesday night. This was a great event we thank the ones who planned it.

"Cedar Grove is a Great Church to call Home!"